LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stop the GOP plan to privatize

To the editor:

What do George Bush, John McCain and Barbara Bailey have in common?

The list is long, but in light of the recent meltdown of the financial markets, two of the most troubling commonalities are that all three support privatizing Social Security, and all three support allowing the healthcare industry to essentially regulate itself. Their answer to every problem seems to be privatization and deregulation.

We now know what the cost is of allowing an industry to self-regulate with little or no governmental oversight, and if we permit them to get away with it again we will deserve our worldwide reputation of being ignorant, gullible voters.

Protect your Social Security from the wild swings of the stock market, and act to ensure that our healthcare is not turned over to the fat cats on Wall Street by voting Democratic up and down the ballot.

Democrats protect Main Street, not Wall Street.

Nels Kelstrom
