LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Strong schools build community

To the editor:

As proud graduates of the South Whidbey School District and parents of four more, we appreciate the legacy of quality education on South Whidbey and know how important it is to maintain these standards. Please vote yes and make sure the two school levies on the ballot are renewed.

We thank our school leaders for recognizing the tight economic times our community faces and not increasing the levy rate, but holding the line and only asking for true necessities. The combined levies will actually be a decrease of about 5 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation from the levies they replace ($1.03/$1,000 assessed valuation compared to $1.08/$1,000 in 2008).

The current ballot measures are to provide continued funding for basic needs which are not supported by state funding. There are two school levies on the ballot — one for core operations and maintenance, the other for capital projects and technology. They will help pay for vital student and infrastructure needs, not luxury items.

This levy vote is not connected to the school bond issue. Voters will decide the bond issue in May.

Strong schools build strong communities, and we have a proud tradition of supporting our local schools. It is important that we continue this investment in our future. Please join us in voting yes for both school levies.

Helen Price Johnson

Island County Commissioner and former South Whidbey School Board President

Dave Johnson