LETTER TO THE EDITOR | School levy is not a new tax

To the editor:

I am so proud of our elementary school parents.

This year, we have had more volunteers than ever — parents spending time with their son or daughter, helping out in the classroom, supervising on the playground, supporting the great work our teachers do. This involvement not only strengthens our community, it shows our children how important education is.

Meanwhile, as I walk around school, I see more ways that resources have been cut by legislative budget cuts and unfunded mandates on a state level.

• 27 kids in a classroom.

• Leaky roofs.

• Social studies textbooks that are teaching from 10 years ago.

The levy that is in your mailbox now goes toward fixing roofs, keeping class size at current levels and making sure we have basic technology.

This levy is not a new tax, but just renewing what is currently in place.

If the levy doesn’t pass? It’s a bleak picture.

Increased class size — how can a teacher get to every child?

Too many layoffs and more things that can’t get fixed.

More families leave to communities that support schools.

We MUST pass this levy.

I have attended approximately 80 percent of all of the school board meetings because

I want the full picture. I want to know how my schools are educating my kids, and what their plans are for the future. I am proud to say that the diligence and fiduciary responsibility our district takes in the budget process is exemplary.

If you disagree? Then get involved and be part of the process.

Let’s be proud of our community by supporting our schools. Vote yes in February.

Kris McRea

South Whidbey Elementary PTA President
