LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Untrained dogs are a danger to people, Whidbey

Editor, I’m writing regarding the recent incident in Clinton where an innocent dog was attacked and killed by a pit bull. Unfortunately, tragedies such as this and worse will continue to happen until such time that people finally wise up and decide to spend a little time in their decision when choosing a pet.


I’m writing regarding the recent incident in Clinton where an innocent dog was attacked and killed by a pit bull. Unfortunately, tragedies such as this and worse will continue to happen until such time that people finally wise up and decide to spend a little time in their decision when choosing a pet.

Any dog requires some level of training, but it wouldn’t take much research for anyone to discover that ownership of a pit bull requires special knowledge and training that the average person simply does not possess. But, instead they just say, “Oh, what a cute puppy, I’ll take it.” The result is an untrained, often unrestrained and aggressive dog that is a danger to everyone.

Laws will be passed to protect others from this unfortunate dog who will likely end up having to be euthanized, as this one was, either before or after it attacks another dog or human. The owner makes a lazy choice and the dog pays with its life.

People, wake up!

You aren’t choosing a head of lettuce, it’s a life — take the time to educate yourself and make the right breed choice for you and your family. If doing it for the right reasons doesn’t interest you, consider this: your aggressive dog could attack a human and you could end up in prison. If this doesn’t get your attention, please go instead to Wal-Mart and buy a toy dog.

