LETTER TO THE EDITOR | WAIF helps our animals

To the editor:

I have been a member of WAIF since 1991. I have walked dogs at the Oak Harbor and Coupeville shelters. I have donated funds, cleaned cat cages, and adopted two dogs and two cats from these shelters.

I am a retired architect who was asked by Island County about

10 years ago to prepare documents for necessary facility improvements to the Coupeville shelter. The building, a responsibility of Island County, had fallen into a deplorable state of disrepair through county neglect. The new work and renovations, built with scant construction funds, were a band aid only. WAIF, who manages the facility and hopes for a new one, deserves credit for continuing to work under difficult present conditions.

As a friend of WAIF for 18 years, I remain a citizen concerned with animal welfare. WAIF, too, is concerned for the welfare of the animals it houses for adoption. Occasionally and unfortunately a small few are not adoptable for reasons of health, temperament or extreme age.

With that said, WAIF is a minimal-kill facility that truly seeks a good home for all animals in its care.

I encourage the continued good work of WAIF, for Whidbey Island is lucky to have it, a private organization, working on behalf of our animals.

Larry Mason
