LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Whidbey Green Guide was great

Editor, “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better,” said Albert Einstein, a bright fellow. Congratulations and thank you South Whidbey Record, for your April 7 supplement, “Whidbey Green Guide.” It’s a helpful gift to all who enjoy the wonders of this island. May we all drink deeply of its offerings in this Earth and Ocean month.


“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better,” said Albert Einstein, a bright fellow.

Congratulations and thank you South Whidbey Record, for your April 7 supplement, “Whidbey Green Guide.” It’s a helpful gift to all who enjoy the wonders of this island. May we all drink deeply of its offerings in this Earth and Ocean month.

Friends of South Whidbey State Park are among the growing fans of taking moral responsibility for the health of our planet.

We hope your readers will visit the park often to enjoy its twin glories, the beach and the forest. In each you will find beauty, strength and inspiration.

John Muir put it memorably: “In every walk with nature one receives far more than one seeks.”


president, Friends of South Whidbey State Park