Letter: Trump removed from ballot in lawful process


Ms. Siggens’ letter (Removing Trump… Jan. 3) is clearly that of a devotee, not someone still willing to see reality as it is and form opinions from truth. She avoids a simple and correct reading of section 3 of the 14th Amendment, but tries to apply another part that has no relevance to her assertion. It is clear that we don’t need be convicted of any crime to be disallowed from the ballot, only to have been found to have engaged in insurrection, or aided and abetted those who were or are.

The laws of Maine and of Colorado were followed in their determinations. Both sides presented evidence. Due process was followed and delivered a result. Note, too, that although the Colorado case was a 5-4 vote, not one justice said Mr. Trump had not engaged in, or aided and abetted, insurrection.

Emails, transcripts, Oval Office eyewitnesses all confirm beyond a reasonable or any doubt that the insurrection occurred because Donald Trump fomented it: His people, his invitation, his direction, his dereliction of the duty sworn to all of us at his inauguration. His full complicity.

Regarding his having “offered” 15,000 federal troops to Ms. Pelosi, I could find no evidence of that except for statements by Mr. Trump. Further, why would she accept such an offer? For over two centuries, since George Washington refused being anointed a king, the transfer of power in our country had been routine and without incident, until Donald Trump. Just a bizarre coincidence? Every grown-up knows better.

Mr. Trump watched the insurrection on TV for hours. He refused to call up any reinforcements to aid the Capitol Police or protect our elected representatives. Having knowingly lied for months about a “stolen” election, he hoped his people would do the stealing, and worse. While I loathe many Republican politicians, their lives are inviolable to me because they are in public service, chosen by my fellow citizens. But hang Mike Pence? Behead Nancy Pelosi? Thumbs up by Trumpers; BYO gallows.

Nowadays, Mr. Trump, besides declaring that he will be a dictator on Day 1, is channeling Hitler by speaking of the “poisoning of the blood” and calls non-supporters like me “vermin” to be exterminated. This is exactly the language Hitler used in Mein Kampf (I happened to be reading it when Mr. Trump started talking that way).

Hitler was also very clear about the importance of repeating lies until people, being too slight of mind, or weak in will, just went along, Why are so many of my fellow citizens, including perhaps Ms. Siggens, siding with this Hitler business?

Another deceit by Trump supporters is that the many criminal indictments of him are politically motivated. In fact, each prosecutor took their case to a grand jury (which have anywhere from 16-23 randomly chosen citizens) that recommended the cases go to trial.

I’m sure Ms Siggens and I will never be of one mind. I see the presidency as a temp job, granting no special rights concerning the law of the land. Maybe Mr. Trump is Ms. Siggens’ “champion?”

My twin champions in the USA are democracy and the rule of law. I thought that would be true of all for us; apparently other plans are afoot.

John Seyfried
