LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Growler makes noise intolerable

To the editor: There have been recent articles related to Outlying Field in Coupeville, each attesting to the urgency of the need to continue the important pilot training that takes place there.

To the editor,

There have been recent articles related to Outlying Field in Coupeville, each attesting to the urgency of the need to continue the important pilot training that takes place there. There seems to be an underlying message, in these articles, that people may not acknowledge, understand, or care, just how essential this training is.

I would like to point out that nothing could be further from that perception. I have lived below the touch and go flight pattern for 40 years. Admittedly the noise has been an intrusion, but it was tolerable; it was possible to sleep, talk on the phone, watch TV, work, garden, or be outdoors on a nice summer night around a fire at the beach.

Unfortunately the Growler has brought a wholly different experience, one that precludes all of those activities, one that is fraying people’s mental and physical health. No one signed an agreement to endure the unsustainable, unbearable bombardment of the Growler.

What we don’t understand is the resistance of those in positions of decision making to sit down with our community and address our concerns and seek alternatives. I am unaware of anyone that does not agree that it is imperative for this training to occur. The question is, where are there air fields that provide the conditions necessary to train that do not impair the health and welfare of citizens.

There are alternatives, out of population areas, where pilots could train without traumatizing others. I hope this can be addressed.

