British farce boosts Coupeville art scene

Enjoy a British farce while assisting in a joint fundraiser for the Pacific NorthWest Art School and Soroptimist International of Coupeville. Attend the 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 27 performance of “It Runs in the Family” at the Whidbey Playhouse for $25.

Enjoy a British farce while assisting in a joint fundraiser for the Pacific NorthWest Art School and Soroptimist International of Coupeville. Attend the 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 27 performance of “It Runs in the Family” at the Whidbey Playhouse for $25.

Tickets include British-inspired treats to enjoy before, during and after the British comedy performance.

To purchase tickets, stop by the Pacific NorthWest Art School or mail a check to the art school at 15 N.W. Birch St., Coupeville.

Each ticket purchase will enter you automatically in the drawing for a tea inspired gift basket.