Forest ecologist leads tour through time on South Whidbey

RECORD STAFF As part of Whidbey Earth and Ocean Month, forest ecologist Elliott Menashe will explore the history of the Salish Sea and Puget Sound in a lecture titled, “A Brief History of the Salish Sea: How We Got to Where We’re Going,” at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 21, at the Langley United Methodist Church.


As part of Whidbey Earth and Ocean Month, forest ecologist Elliott Menashe will explore the history of the Salish Sea and Puget Sound in a lecture titled, “A Brief History of the Salish Sea: How We Got to Where We’re Going,” at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 21, at the Langley United Methodist Church.

Menashe will take listeners on a tour from the end of the Pleistocene to when people hunted the Columbian mammoths that roamed what would become Whidbey Island, through the most recent glacial advance and retreat, to the evolution of the great climax forests, up to the present day.

Learn some simple land-management practices that each of us can adopt here in the present to help preserve our part of this vast, unique, and remarkable region.

Menashe has been a natural resource management and planning consultant since 1987. His firm is called Greenbelt Consulting.

He is the author of “Vegetation Management: A Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners,” published in 1993 by the state Department of Ecology, and “Shoreline Management and Stabilization Using Vegetation,” published in 2004 by the state Coastal Training Program.

The lecture was organized by the Whidbey Earth & Ocean Month Committee, comprised of representatives from seven Whidbey Island organizations.