50 years ago | August 6

The following are selected stories from the Aug. 6, 1964 edition of the South Whidbey Record.

The following are selected stories from the Aug. 6, 1964 edition of the South Whidbey Record.

Only few problems left before Island fair dates

“With but one or two amber signals blinking, all systems are go for the forthcoming Fortieth Annual Island County Fair, set for Aug. 21, 22 and 23 at the fairgrounds in Langley.

“Fair board directors at their regular weekly meeting Monday night reported that construction of the new horse barn and filling of the concession booths appear to be the only problems not yet solved.

“Frank Kramer, concession chairman, said that there are still five concession booths to be filled and that he is looking for clubs or individuals who would like to make some money by taking them over for the fair.”

Man sought in hit, run case in the Army now

“Lawrence R. Hoss of Seattle and South Whidbey, sought on a hit and run traffic charge found sanctuary in the Army last week and flew to California for basic training, outside the jurisdiction of the Washington State Patrol.

“A warrant for the arrest of the 19-year-old man was issued after a traffic accident on South Whidbey during the early morning hours July 25. In that accident, a car owned by Hoss sideswiped another and then rolled over a 100-foot bank. After the accident, the driver hid and could not be found.

“A week prior to the accident, Hoss had been convicted in a Langley justice court of driving while drunk and his license had been suspended.”