Dogs put through paces at fairgrounds

Many dogs on parade today

“Photo: Maggie Wegenast will be among the Laborador retrievers at the dog show today at the fairgrounds.The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association is hosting its tenth Specialty Show & Obedience trial, at the Island County Fairgrounds, Langley.The event started Friday and continues today, Aug. 5, from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 4 p.m. Admission is free.More than 200 Labradors are attending from all over the United States andCanada. This year’s Labrador breeder/judges are from North Carolina and California.Saturday, during lunch, there will be a parade of Rescue dogs. The club includes an active rescue organization and over the last five years has helped save over 1,000 Labs from Puget Sound shelters. These dogs and owners have been invited to come to the event and show off.The club will also have its Delta Society Pet Partners parade. These dogs and owners have passed the Delta Society screening to become animal-assisted therapy teams. They are certified, with their owner, to visit schools, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and anywhere they can brighten a life.We would enjoy having people come share the versatility of our Labradors, said Sharon Edwards, one of the organizers. The public is welcome, but AKC rules allow only dogs that have been pre-entered to attend.For more information contact Sharon Edwards, 341-1422.The PSLRA is a non-profit organization that donates a large percentage ofearnings to research to help prevent inheritable canine diseases.”