Expert to address child bullying, bias at South Whidbey Academy

The South Whidbey Children’s Center will host a free presentation on children, bias and bullying next week.

The South Whidbey Children’s Center will host a free presentation on children, bias and bullying next week.

The event runs from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 16, in South Whidbey Academy’s old primary school gym.

The featured speaker is Fran Davidson, an active participant in the Culturally Relevant Anti-Bias Leadership group based in Seattle. She is co-founder of The Work of European Americans as Cultural Teachers, and with co-author Ann Pelo wrote “That’s Not Fair! A Teacher’s Guide to Activism with Young Children.”

Children are vulnerable to developing biases from a young age. This can be hurtful, and can have a direct impact on them, their families and their communities.

The presentation will focus on how this manifests itself, and what parents, educators and community members can do to interrupt these behaviors.