First-time boatyard gets $140K contract from South Whidbey Fire/EMS

North Cross Aluminum just landed the big one. South Whidbey Fire/EMS commissioners formally approved a contract and payment to the Freeland company to build its fire boat for $143,668.16.

North Cross Aluminum just landed the big one.

South Whidbey Fire/EMS commissioners formally approved a contract and payment to the Freeland company to build its fire boat for $143,668.16. North Cross, owned by Tim Leonard, was the only company to submit a bid for the high-tech fire suppression and marine response catamaran. It is expected to be completed within six months.

Leonard pitched his business to the commissioners on its basis of being a local business with experienced boat-building employees.

It caught the attention of commissioners Mike Helland and Bob Elliot, who waited another few days until fellow Commissioner Kenon Simmons could weigh in on the contract. They toured the Freeland shop and awarded the bid the same evening, April 22.