Greenbank Birth & Women’s Center | New arrival

A warm welcome to Mina Bell Janes born at home March 17, 2014 to parents Courtney Taylor and Mike Janes, and big sister Taylor Junebug of Freeland.

Mina Bell Janes

A warm welcome to Mina Bell Janes born at home March 17, 2014 to parents Courtney Taylor and Mike Janes, and big sister Taylor Junebug of Freeland.

Mina weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Her maternal grandparents are Kim and Ken Kramer and Mike and Kathy Taylor; paternal grandparents are Steve Janes and Tricia Kegley, and Kathy Janes. Attending the birth were midwives Cynthia Jaffe and Crystal Ogle. The parents thanked Kim Kramer, Lindsey Read and Gloria Hezel for their support.