Island County Grange results | KUDOS

This year the Island County Grange Competitions were held at Deer Lagoon Grange Hall in Langley on May 11. The highest scoring entries (best of class) in each category are eligible to participate in the state competition at the Washington State Grange Convention in Ocean Shores June 26-29.

Island County Grange results

This year the Island County Grange Competitions were held at Deer Lagoon Grange Hall in Langley on May 11. The highest scoring entries (best of class) in each category are eligible to participate in the state competition at the Washington State Grange Convention in Ocean Shores June 26-29.

There were three major divisions of the competition: Arts and crafts, photography and family living, which includes needlework, quilting, sewing, baking and canning.

Arts and crafts

The 25 entries this year are (17 are advancing to the state level):

Group A, paintings and drawings, mixed media, Gerrielynn Martin, Langley, best of class; fiber crafts, felting, Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, best of class; recycled from fabric or fiber, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon.

Holiday crafts, Christmas ornaments; Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, two entries one best of class, one blue; wood crafts, recycled item from wood, Flora Bratt, Clinton; constructive crafts, sculpted clay/pottery, Martha Martin, Langley, best of class; yard art, Flora Bratt, Langley, two entries, one best of class, one red; recycled items from glass, Rhonda Permenter, Freeland; recycled items from metal, Terry Permenter, Freeland; other constructive crafts, John Norris, Langley.

Paper crafts, Tarey Kay, Clinton, best of Class; Cathi Onan-Bower, Langley, white; general crafts, beading, Shirley Lacey, Clinton, two entries, one best of class, one blue; wearable art, Cathi Onan-Bower, best of class; edible food arts, Chris Williams, Langley; other general crafts, Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, two entries, one best of class, one blue; arts and crafts, children ages 10 to 13, miscellaneous, Emmalee Norris, Langley, two entries, on best of class one blue, and for children ages 5 to 9, decorations (non-holiday) Kassidy Norris, Langley, two entries, one best of class one blue.


Fifty-two entries were received and 18 qualified for entry at the state level competition in June. The entries and results are as follow: scenic; Terry Permenter, Freeland, best of class; Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, blue; Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, red; “Washington my home,” Bob Cadwallader, Greenbank, best of class; animals, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, two entries, one best of class, one blue; birds, Pat Prochaska, Greenbank, best of class; people, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, two entries, one best of class, one red; portraiture, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, best of class; insects and bugs, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, best of class; patriotic, Terry Permenter, Freeland, three entries, one best of class, one blue and one red; historical, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, three entries, one best of class, two white; agriculture and farming, Terry Permenter, Freeland, best of class; Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, blue; Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, red; Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, red; still life, Terry Permenter, Freeland, best of class; Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, two entries, one blue, one red; water, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, best of class; Terry Permenter, Freeland, red; flora (8 entries), Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, best of class; Pat Prochaska, Greenbank, three entries two blue, one red; Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, two entries both blue; Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, white; Judy Prochaska, Greenbank, white; celebrations, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, two entries one best of class and one red; action, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, two entries one best of class one red; buildings or structures, Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, two entries one best of class one red; Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, blue; Terry Permenter, Freeland, blue; general interest (eight entries), Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, three entries, best of class, one blue and one red; Terry Permenter, Freeland, two entries, one blue, one red; Chuck Prochaska, Greenbank, three entries, all red; photo story, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, two entries, best of show and red.

Family living

Twenty-five entries were received and 15 qualified for the state competition. Needlework, crochet, knit, tat (cotton crochet threads), something small for the house, Tarey Kay, Clinton, best of class, Pat Prochaska, Greenbank, two entries both red; knit and crochet (synthetic, blended or natural yarns), something to wear, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, fingerless gloves, best of class, Molly Kay, stockings, blue; quilting, traditional designs 60-inch minimum, Gary Kay, Clinton, best of class; other (place mat, pillow, table-runner, etc.), Terry Permenter, Freeland, table runner, best of class, Pat Major, Camano Island, quilted block, blue; sewing, adult garments, Pat Major, Camano Island.

Cooking contest: Cooked candy, Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, burnt caramel truffle, best of class; baking, yeast bread Pat Major, Camano Island, best of class, cakes, cookies and bars, cake mix cake; Kristi Johansen, Langley, banana bread, best of class, Kristi Johansen, carrot cake, blue; baked cookies, Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, Finnish ribbon cookies, best of class; Fran Hagen, Langley, gluten free peanut butter, red; brownies, Fran Hagen, Freeland, chocolate pecan brownie, best of class; diabetic cookies, Fran Hagen, Langley, chocolate peanut butter, best of class.

Canning contest: Fruits, Chris Williams, Langley, mangos, best of class; Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, apple sauce, blue; Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, apple-pear sauce, blue; vegetables, Tarey Kay, Clinton, corn, best of class; soft spreads, Molly Kay, Mt. Vernon, boysenberry jam, best of class; Rhonda Permenter, Freeland, apple jelly, blue; pickled, Tarey Kay, Clinton, mixed pickles, best of class; Molly Kay, salsa, blue.