Islanders participate in March for Life

Pastor Rick Spicer and a busload of 35 parishioners from St. Hubert Catholic Church in Langley joined more than 6,000 people in the 32nd March for Life in Olympia this past week.

Pastor Rick Spicer and a busload of 35 parishioners from St. Hubert Catholic Church in Langley joined more than 6,000 people in the 32nd March for Life in Olympia this past week.

Before the Jan. 19 march, the group met with Washington state Rep. Norma Smith, R-Clinton. Marchers said she encouraged them to find ways to join others in promoting the pro-life message. The group was also addressed on the Capitol steps by Aileen McEntee Carrell of Washington State March for Life, along with several state representatives, including Doug Ericksen, Matt Shea and Bill Hinkle, who encouraged participants to become informed and active about national and state proposals affecting pro-life issues. These are proposed amendments to the national healthcare reform bill to exclude funding of abortions as well as two state bills, House Bill 2837 and Senate Bill 6452, sponsored by abortion-rights organizations targeting crisis pregnancy centers.