Years in the making, a major public works project in Langley is finally edging closer to breaking ground.
After three mayors, three finance directors, two planning directors, two public works directors and one COVID pandemic, the Langley Infrastructure Project – known as the LIP – has secured a qualified bidder to do the work.
During a city council meeting Monday night, Langley Public Works Director Randi Perry presented the LIP bid contract for official approval. The apparent low bidder, Earthwork Solutions LLC, was chosen from five others with a total bid of $9,046,791.
Starting in 2018, the Langley Infrastructure Committee began to look at various strategies to address critical infrastructure need, developing goals and criteria that became the LIP. Over the last six years, the LIP has developed to include 15 individual projects. It has seven different funding sources, including a $4 million bond approved by voters and a $3 million grant from Island County.
The city council unanimously approved the $9 million LIP contract.
“Now the real work begins,” Perry said with a laugh.
When asked, Perry said she expects construction to begin in March. The city will attend a pre-construction meeting with the contractor to find out more about the exact schedule. That timeline information will be disseminated to the community through the public works department’s email list. To sign up, visit and click the orange “Subscribe” button near the top of the screen.