South Whidbey Harbor work pushed back, again

The date to restart the expansion project at South Whidbey Harbor has once again been pushed back. Pile installation is now expected to begin Monday, Sept. 16.

The date to restart the expansion project at South Whidbey Harbor has once again been pushed back.

Pile installation is now expected to begin Monday, Sept. 16.

The contractor, Mike Carlson Enterprises, and subcontractor Neptune Marine have been working on repairing and improving their barge and pile-driving equipment following an accident last month.

The contractor expects to remobilize by the end of this week and begin pile installation Monday. Marine construction will continue throughout the month with crews working on Saturdays.

On-shore work for the waterline and underground utility will begin later this month.

The Port of South Whidbey advises the parking area will become busier and more crowded in the coming weeks as equipment is delivered. The ramp may be closed for extended periods as well.

The port will provide notices of closure and delays as needed.

Boaters are not permitted in the marine construction areas and the contractor is planning on using temporary buoys to mark working zones: red for closed areas and green marking recommended boat lanes.

The port advises boaters to watch for active construction areas and the temporary buoys and traffic lanes, as these could change daily.