Tsunami signs swept away in wave of thefts

"Posted for just a matter of days near the lowlands and beaches of Whidbey Island, a dozen new tsunami hazard warning signs disappeared from roadsides last week."

“Posted for just a matter of days near the lowlands and beaches of Whidbey Island, a dozen new tsunami hazard warning signs disappeared from roadsides last week.In all, the Island County Department of Emergency Services posted 42 of the hazard warning signs and their accompanying Tsunami Evacuation Route signs. T.J. Harmon, the department’s coordinator, said neither she nor the Island County Sheriff’s Office is sure who is taking the signs or where they are taking them.Harmon said she cannot imagine why anyone would take the signs, especially since her office has received only positive feedback since they were posted. All the missing signs have been replaced with new signs.We’ll just keep putting them up as much as we need to, Harmon said.Harmon asks that anyone who knows of the whereabouts of any of the signs call her or the sheriff’s office. Both agencies can be reached at 321-5111.”