LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Heard on popular radio show

To the editor: A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show recently spoke about the “problem of ObamaCare and how Obama got into the White House,” and then went on to blame the president’s election on the 26th Amendment to the Constitution giving 18-year-olds the right to vote. He said nothing about the fact that at 18 years of age, these young people are eligible to serve in the military, may use alcohol in some states, are allowed to own firearms, enter binding contracts, serve on juries and to drive cars.

To the editor:

A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show recently spoke about the “problem of ObamaCare and how Obama got into the White House,” and then went on to blame the president’s election on the 26th Amendment to the Constitution giving 18-year-olds the right to vote. He said nothing about the fact that at 18 years of age, these young people are eligible to serve in the military, may use alcohol in some states, are allowed to own firearms, enter binding contracts, serve on juries and to drive cars.

Limbaugh retorted that he could one-up the caller and instead proceeded to blame women for Obama’s election. He said, “When women got the right to vote is when it all went down because that’s when votes started being cast with emotion and maternal instincts.”

The caller proceeded to reinforce his position with another allegation about the irresponsibility of 18-year-olds giving Limbaugh time to reflect on his suffrage remark, after which he said that he was joking about his reference to women.

In listening to the actual recording of the conversation however, there’s no question regarding the sincerity of Limbaugh’s disparaging remark. It’s quite obvious that he meant what he said and I believe any listener, liberal or conservative, would come away with the same conclusion. He narrowly avoided another firestorm with his shallow retraction.

The Rush Limbaugh Show is the most popular radio program in America with around 15 million daily listeners.

Kevin Fristad
