Snowrider offers serious winter fun

The operative word for South Whidbey Parks & Recreation’s Snowrider program is F-U-N.

The operative word for South Whidbey Parks & Recreation’s Snowrider program is F-U-N.

“Riding the bus is more fun than we ever imagined,” said Ann Christensen, who with her husband, Dale, is riding the Snowrider bus for the fourth straight year.

“It gives us a chance to meet new people, get in some great skiing and, best of all, at the end of the day it’s great not to have to drive home. And the weather is almost always perfect.”

Snowrider has been one of the park district’s success stories for 13 years.

Parks program coordinator Carrie Monforte ticked off some of the bennies for those who want to leave the traffic and tough driving conditions to someone else.

“It’s a great social opportunity, lift tickets can be bought at a group rate, the restroom-equipped bus is comfortable, pick-up points are convenient and our on-board hosts make sure everyone enjoys the ride,” she said. “Our drivers have been doing this for a long time, and they are very good.”

The hosts arrange for tickets, so there’s no waiting once the bus arrives, usually about 9 a.m.

Tom Roland is one of those hosts. “There’s a lot of folks who ski here on the island,” he noted. “My job is to make sure there are plenty of jokes, hot drinks and appetizers so people get acquainted fast. On Tuesdays, the slopes are uncrowded and conditions just about perfect.”

Roland added that Snowrider is for anyone, at any skill level.

The bus, a luxury coach, picks up in Coupeville, Ken’s Korner in Clinton (about 6:30 a.m.) and Everett before heading to Stevens Pass or White Pass. After a day spent skiing or snowboarding, the bus heads back to catch the 7 p.m. ferry home.

“It’s a really fun atmosphere, with old friends aboard and others new to the community getting together,” Monforte said.

The Snowrider Tuesday adult program has room for one-time riders who would like to hit the slopes for the day. The cost is $40 for one ride on the bus and discounted lift tickets are $48 for the day, or $25 for seniors traveling as a group.

Meanwhile, the Saturday youth snowrider program is sold out for the season.

“Come join a great group of people and take a day for yourself and get a discount lift ticket,” said program supervisor Kim Andrews.

For more information, call

221-5484 or visit

Jeff VanDerford can be reached at 221-5300 or sports@southwhid