Commissioners are big spenders | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

The Island County commissioners act like they are the only taxing body that taxpayers have to deal with. Now they want the ability to use absolutely no restraint in adding on new property taxes — by lifting the lid on property tax levies.

We already have the third highest sales tax rates in the state. (Does your child have his own cell phone? They collect sales tax on cell phone calls.)

We rank 12 out of 39 counties for property tax collected and in “per person” figures, we rank eighth costliest overall.

We’re taxed on services we don’t use and with “feel-good entitlements” — Beach Watchers, Senior Services, free transit service, etc. With state and federal taxes increasing, I can’t afford to sign a blank check and hand it over to the commissioners to fill in the amount.

Let me ask a question: “Can you afford to allow the Democrat-controlled board of Island County commissioners continue to run wild with your money for the next two years?” Not me, I can’t.

We need a new voice of reason on the commissioner’s board — and I’m voting for Kelly Emerson. She will bring balance to the board and will work hard to make government live within its means.

In the meantime, we must oppose Proposition 1, the property tax levy lid lift. The current commissioners are big spenders and poor budgeters. We simply can’t afford to give them the green light on this one.

Vote no on Prop. 1 and yes for Kelly Emerson.

Mary Jane Aurdal-Olson
