Hanson’s barbecue much appreciated | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

Kudos to Hanson’s Building Supply for providing the people of South Whidbey and beyond with quality products reasonably priced. As they advertised, they have grown from a very small start-up business to one of good size. Their customer service cannot be equaled. They showed their customer appreciation by hosting the most fabulous barbecue ever.

It was by far the best salmon ever eaten, not to mention the burgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings and side dishes. It was well-organized, with many suppliers presenting their products and great door prizes (although we didn’t win any).

Even though we didn’t attend the dance that evening that they sponsored, we just wanted to tell them and our community what a great asset they are, and how appreciated the barbecue was. Our thanks to you.

Dick and Roberta Tarr
