Help us help new mothers | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

Mother Mentors is a relatively new program on South Whidbey (currently under the fiscal umbrella of Readiness To Learn Foundation), and thus we are hoping to connect with more new mothers in the community.

I am a Mother Mentor who has been matched with a new mother for the past several months. She is a mother of two, an energetic toddler and a darling newborn baby. As a mother of a 4-year-old myself, the memories of what it takes, the energy and the patience to parent a young child, are not too distant.

No matter who we are, I think we can all admit that we would welcome a little help, even if we don’t know what exactly to ask for. My time with my current match is usually spent on the floor playing with her toddler or holding her newborn. Sometimes the mother is able to be “productive” and prepare a meal or make an uninterrupted phone call, but often we simply chat about our families and current happenings, joys and frustrations.

My weekly (on average) visits are perhaps a breath of fresh air, a new face, a spark of entertainment, an adult conversation, a friend who understands how tough (and rewarding) this job can be, or simply an extra pair of hands, to help support this family. And for that, we, both mother and mentor, are grateful.

Our children are our future. Let us help support their mothers.

Emmy Atwood
