How can we trust port as landlord? | Letter

Editor, We did not vote for the Port to run the fairgrounds. We have watched Possession Shores Boat ramp and house become a disgrace and dump.


We did not vote for the Port to run the fairgrounds. We have watched Possession Shores Boat ramp and house become a disgrace and dump. Garbage cans are not emptied and garbage blows all over the beach. Lots of times you can not use the boat ramp because it has not been cleaned off. The house and yard are a dump, it looks abandoned.

The Port is a terrible landlord and is letting a million-dollar property deteriorate. A water hose has been running all summer long.

We could go on and on, do not even ask about the bathrooms. This an embarrassment to South Whidbey and the Port.

We have complained to the Port for years and yet it does not change. How can we trust them to run the fairgrounds when they can not maintain the beach parks they run.

