LETTER TO THE EDITOR | On Obama’s speech


To the editor:

I have come to trust Obama because I recognize depth and quality whenever I see it. Therefore when President Obama speaks, I welcome his message.

I do not hear “either or talk.” Instead, I hear reasoning from a person who is carefully evaluating very complex issues.

That people vary so widely in their reaction to this individual is extremely interesting to me. Less savvy folk seem to see, hear and feel “projections of their own inner world” — which often misses what is important about what President Obama has said. Those who know how to listen often get a much different idea of what is being been said.

I can only report that such information can be something useful — when what is heard is too often different from what has been said.

How to judge our unusual president?

I can only report that I hear a man with unusual gifts too few of us recognize.

Obama seems to me deeper, broader and wiser than is sometimes appreciated.

Given the mess that we have dumped into his lap, Obama increasingly appears to me a godsend.

I am more than willing to wait and watch. Since most of our problems are yet far from solved, our job is often about learning how to listen than it is to judge information few of us have understood.

Jack W. Small
