Pooping is not a crime | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Thank you for the excellent article by Rebecca Leisher concerning the killing of the Canadian geese in your community in late June (Aug. 3).

To the editor:

Thank you for the excellent article by Rebecca Leisher concerning the killing of the Canadian geese in your community in late June (Aug. 3).

It is a disgrace to destroy these beautiful birds. Certain citizens ignored the rules and the opinion of the community and shamefully paid and ordered the killing.

The Humane Society has indeed so much expertise on dealing and living with wildlife. But the USDA is only too glad to respond. They love to shoot wildlife like the recent killing of coyotes in Lake Forest Park. Always for a fee of course, money talks or just for the fun of it?

I am still appalled about the unauthorized murder of your Canadian geese; these same people who asked for it should never live in a natural environment and instead should live in urban skyscrapers and cement. The geese were there first and pooping is not a crime.

I hope the community will fine the culprits and never trust them again. Thanks again for the unfortunate sad news.

