Your help is needed to dave clinic | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

We are the owners of the shake-sided building on Second Street known as the Langley Clinic where primary care medical services have been provided continuously since 1956. The current provider, Primary Care Associates, is a physician group based in Oak Harbor, subsidized by Whidbey General Hospital. They have told the hospital board that they wish to close their practice in Langley in December of this year.

As residents of South Whidbey for 34 years and as physicians who practiced at the Langley Clinic from 1976 through 1988 ,we are concerned that the long history of primary care services in the city of Langley will end in December with no prospect of a resumption of services in the foreseeable future.

It will require a community effort to keep primary care services in Langley. If anyone knows a provider who might be interested in practicing in Langley, let him or her know about the opportunity that now exists. Additionally, anyone who wants to serve on a search committee should contact Mayor Paul Samuelson (221-4246).

We plan to list the building for sale or lease as a medical facility and we will not consider other uses for the building until the community has had ample time to recruit a provider. Any provider who is interested in practicing in Langley should contact us by phone.

It may also be worthwhile to lobby the hospital commissioners, particularly our South Whidbey representative, Grethe Cammermeyer, to stress the importance that the community places on keeping primary care services available in Langley.

Steve Shapiro (730-4266)

Doug Allderdice (221-6299)
