Teacher sticks around for a good cause

Rocco Gianni, a seventh-grade health and PE teacher at Langley Middle School, found himself in a sticky situation during his lunch time on Friday.

Next time, maybe he’ll think twice before having the kids run laps.

Rocco Gianni, a seventh-grade health and PE teacher at Langley Middle School, found himself in a sticky situation during his lunch time on Friday.

Students lined up four and five deep to get their hands on duct tape as they taped Gianni to a lunchroom wall during the “Stuck for a Buck” event at the school.

As part of the “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, students could buy a piece of tape for $1.

Gianni endured plenty of taunts from his students as he was taped into place.

“I told you, it’s karma!” shouted seventh-grader Caleb Parker.

Gianni took his hoisting in good humor.

“Anybody want to hang with me?” he joked.

Lochlan Roberts, a seventh-grader, bought 14 pieces of tape.

“I wanted to support Pennies for Patients. And it’s a fun idea,” he said.

The event raised $125 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.