Speak up on ferry bills | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

As we all know, the ferries are pretty important in these parts, even the governor thinks so.

In July of last year, Gov. Chris Gregoiore apparently saw some of those King 5 investigative reports on questionable ferry worker pay practices (Waste on the Water within our ferry system (http://www.king5.com/news/investigators/Investigators-Waste-On-The-Water—a-series-of-special-reports-93442684.html).

Since worker payroll make up over 54 percent of the operating costs, she asked for a comparison in worker benefits with other state employees.

In January of this year the ferry administration produced such a report, which has turned a few heads.


Travel time and mileage        $3,825,000 (one employee made an extra $66,000 last year)

Vacation accruals        1,720,000 (better vacation benefits)

Overtime rules            1,359,800 (ferry workers get double time, not time and a half)

Ferry passes            770,500 (for workers for life and in some cases for the family)

Guaranteed time        265,000 (40 hrs per week regardless of hours worked in some cases)

Half-price meals        167,000

Retirement            31,500

Holidays and holiday pay    (1,638,000)

total for 2009            $6,500,800

Fast forward to the current legislative session and you’ll find a number of bills addressing these suspect labor costs – these are HB-1511, HB-1512, HB-1516, SB-5405, SB-5406 and SB-5408.

Other bills call for fair increases of 10 percent (yes again), a 25-cent surcharge (for new boats) and and even one to privatize the ferries (HB-1119).

You might let your state legislators know that ferries are indeed important to us and that you’re concerned about our struggling ferry system and where the money is going. Ferry rates can’t just keep climbing as ridership falls.

More information can be found at the Clinton Ferry Advisory website –  www.whidbeyfac.com.

Dean Enell


Clinton Ferry Advisory Committee